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2012 Day

Tim Gard, International - Creating Changes & Life Balance through Humor 

"Developing a Comic Vision"

See reality and share the fun of it with laughter, good humor, and through the lens of your Comic Vision®! Portraying the daily (and often overwhelming) challenges found in these hectic times, Tim Gard offers his humorous and powerfully effective approach to stress-diffusion and frustration-eradication! Re-awaken your fancy for fun and contagiously innocent mischief, while you enjoy looking at the challenges of life through Tim’s eyes. Let Tim show you how to use ordinary items in extraordinary ways and neutralize life’s stressors.

Elaine Doll-Dunn

Elaine Doll-Dunn - Mentor ~ Motivational Speaker ~ Marathon Runner

"Life is a Marathon…So Double Tie Your Shoes"

There’s some up-hill, some down-hill, sudden curves and sneaky speed bumps, all calculated to bring out the best or worst in us. But being fit is the key to navigating the course, and getting fit is part of the fun. Fitness of mind and body is our right and our obligation, the pursuit of happiness lies in the courage to live, the patience to persist, and the tenacity to “take it on”. Elaine’s presentation addresses where we are, where we want to go and how to get there. With a balance of humor, hints, harangue, and homily, learn how to put yourself first and give others permission to do the same by powerful role modeling and living the life you were meant to live.

Steve Gilliland

Steve Gilliland - Entertaining. Inspiring. Real.

"Enjoy the Ride™"

Through humor and reality-tested techniques; Steve Gilliland reveals the way to face conflicting demands in an unforgiving business environment that keeps getting tougher. From the beginning when he shows people how to ignite their passion, to the end with his compelling challenge to never lose your focus, he releases an “explosion of enthusiasm” that is absolutely contagious. This keynote speech will challenge you personally and professionally. It is simple and easy to grasp - yet profound! Fasten your seatbelt and hold on as one of North America’s premier speakers outlines a roadmap for success and shows you how to Enjoy The Ride™.

Tim Sanders

Tim Sanders - People-Centric Business Expert

"The Power of One Person"

One person, regardless of role or rank, can change the world. Business history is filled with stories of staffers, sales reps, mid-level managers and even factory workers that created change inside their company – which solved problems, created opportunities and inspired entire industries. Tim has valuable experience in cutting edge businesses, sales and marketing. He’s weathered the quality movement as well as the dotcom crash and emerged with precious insight. He was the Chief Solutions Officer at Yahoo! and later their Leadership Coach. Prior to these senior positions Tim created and led the Yahoo! ValueLab, an in-house “think tank” which delivered futuristic insight on technology and human behavior. He was an early member of Mark Cuban and Todd Wagner’s, the most successful opening day IPO in history.